Helping to find family satisfaction and peace of mind
Financial benefits
Our care model helps prevent unnecessary ER visits and hospitalizations.
- Census stability
- Reduces hospital readmissions
- Supports HEDIS and Star metric improvement
- Ensures appropriate CMS payment
- Provides education and in-service for staff
Clinical benefits
Our clinical team collaborates with the PCP, staff and other providers.
- Principal point of contact
- No 3-day qualifying hospitalization
- Reduces hospital and ER visits
- Support available 24/7
- Advance care planning focus
Support benefits
Our team provides personal, one-on-one support to each member, resulting in family satisfaction and peace of mind.
- Serves as the primary contact for family and care team
- Develops relationships through face-to-face visits
- Provides ongoing family education and engagement
- Creates a personalized care plan and performs assessment
- Attends to unique needs and concerns
Financial benefits
Our care model helps prevent unnecessary ER visits and hospitalizations.
- Census stability
- Reduces hospital readmissions
- Supports HEDIS and Star metric improvement
- Ensures appropriate CMS payment
- Provides education and in-service for staff
The biggest benefit for having Optum in a nursing facility is that they bridge the gap between the nursing staff and your medical director and the staff.
Gretchen Black
Explore community care solutions for seniors
PCPs and the Optum ISNP Care Model in SNFs
Skilled Nursing Facility Programs
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White paper
More than half of nursing home residents suffer from chronic pain. Read the white paper to learn how we can make a difference in their lives.
Case study
A health plan increased in-home assessment rates for their Medicare Advantage members by working with Optum to increase member engagement.
Medicare Advantage members receiving in-home assessments saw fewer emergency department visits and inpatient hospital stays across 4 conditions.
- 2019 Plan Year, reporting as of December 2019