Latest featured insights
White paper
Expand access to evidence-based support to help individuals achieve stabilization and sustain recovery.
Global employers share insights on their efforts to adapt wellbeing strategies to meet their greatest workplace challenges.
Read about the realities of campus behavioral healthcare and how we can make things better for college students.
Learn more about the current research on mobile crisis teams (MCTs), how to build an MCT as well as envision a future for them.
All mental health insights (25)
How to build a mobile crisis team
Learn more about the current research on mobile crisis teams (MCTs), how to build an MCT as well as envision a future for them.
Help members access behavioral health care
Guide members to quality, affordable behavioral health care.
Are employees checked out mentally present
Keys to investing in wellbeing programs that meet employees where they are and offering solutions for everyday life.
Supporting employee wellbeing after a loss
Learn how Optum helped a member find support after a loss.
Working together to help end the opioid epidemic
Opioids are powerful drugs with a high risk of misuse and dependence. A comprehensive solution can help address this complex problem.
Supporting the unique needs of firefighters
When the Minnesota Fire Service needed emotional well-being support for their firefighters, Optum stepped in to help.
Behavioral healthcare made better
We help people find care and support that’s easy to understand and access.
Helping members achieve goals
See how the right mental healthcare makes a difference.
Support state Medicaid goals members
Find out how a person-centered approach can help.
Top employer wellbeing challenges
The Optum 2023 Wellbeing in the Workplace benchmark study reveals current health and wellbeing trends across 405 global companies.
Reimagine your employee assistance program
Help employees feel mentally, physically and financially well with Emotional Wellbeing Solutions.
When healthcare works better for everyone
See how building an outcomes-based model for behavioral healthcare can benefit both clinicians and patients.
Elevating employee engagement
Data-driven, targeted strategies help successfully increase employee use of mental health, financial and legal services.
Case study: Investing in employees' success
Tailored financial wellbeing support eases employee stress and boosts productivity for global telecommunications company.
Emotional wellbeing solutions for health care workers
Support healthcare workers, who put others first every day.
Addressing social determinants of health
Create solutions to eliminate barriers to care and support members.
Combating the opioid epidemic
Medication interventions save lives — more people need access to them.
Personalized support for members with autism
Optum is breaking barriers in supporting members and families who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Care Pathways study
Mental health specialists serve a critical role in reducing total cost of care for plan sponsors.
Emotional wellbeing support
Help your workforce take charge of their health, so they can be more resilient and present every day.
Wellbeing in the Workplace study
Global employers share insights on their efforts to adapt wellbeing strategies to meet their greatest workplace challenges.
Understanding students' mental health needs
Read about the realities of campus behavioral healthcare and how we can make things better for college students.
Support for substance use disorders
Expand access to evidence-based support to help individuals achieve stabilization and sustain recovery.
Antiracism and inclusion
Optum saw the value in a project for a community cohort, Leadership for Racial Equity, and quickly worked to create a national strategy.