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Hospital Case Management Managed Service

Our service blends people, process and technology to deliver unparalleled value across key case management functions.

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Enabling case management excellence

Optum® Hospital Case Management Managed Service is a data- and technology-driven, shared-risk, managed service partnership. It enables case management (CM) excellence through:

  • Centralized processes and operations 
  • Optimized best practices and workflow 
  • Integrated CM workflow orchestration technology

Results over the 10-year partnership include:

  • Financial performance benefits 
  • Enhanced staffing support 
  • Extensive investments in innovation 
  • Best-in-class CM operations

Transforming barriers to success into pillars of success

Optum Hospital Case Management Managed Service blends people, process and technology to deliver unparalleled value and increase operational efficiency.

Operational efficiencies enable better outcomes. These include improving patient and provider experiences and discharge planning to reduce excess days. 

Simplifying a complicated solution to deliver value

Optum is one of the only hospital CM services in the market today to offer a holistic delivery model. Through our history of proven success, we are uniquely positioned through combining our areas of expertise across centralized operations, optimized processes, and leading technology and analytics. We can help your organization improve its CM performance and outcomes and achieve its CM goals.

Gain the benefits of a high-performing team. We apply best-in-class processes and technology to streamline case management delivery and support continued CM education and advancement.

Achieve better patient experience and clinical outcomes by:

  • Enabling upstream discharge planning
  • Focusing on patient care
  • Streamlining patient progression
  • Reducing excess days

Improve financial performance through:

  • Reducing costs
  • Strengthening revenue integrity and compliance

Find out how Optum Hospital Case Management Managed Service can help transform your case management function.