Praful A Sarode, MD

Praful A Sarode, MD

General practice, Pediatrics

Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability

To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.

Languages Spoken


Board certifications

American Board Pediatrics



Praful Sarode, MD, is board certified in general pediatrics and pediatrics critical care. Dr. Sarode earned his medical degree from the University of Bombay, Grant Medical College in India. He completed his residency at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He also completed two fellowships, one at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and one at UC Irvine Medical Center. Dr. Sarode involves patients in their healthcare by educating them on choices they can make. He also promotes the use of holistic remedies when he believes such al ternative medicine can help his patients. In his spare time, Dr. Sarode practices yoga and meditation. He also enjoys swimming, kayaking, drawing, and painting. In addition to English, Dr. Sarode speaks Spanish, Hindi, and Marathi.


Praful Sarode MD

17456 Beach Blvd
Huntington Beach, California, 92647
Get directions to Praful A Sarode, MD at 17456 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach, CA


Medical School

University of Bombay, Topiwala Nati 1979


Bronx Labanon Hospital 1985


Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1987


UCI Medical Center 1991

Insurances and networks

Network membership

To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
OCN - AHN - Santa Ana / AW Santa Ana / South Coast Orange Co

More information

Hospital Affiliations

  • Orange County Global Medical Center


I speak English and Hindi.

