William Ang Chua, MD
William Ang Chua, MD
Internal medicine
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Languages Spoken
, Spanish
, Chinese
, English
William Chua, MD, practices internal medicine. Dr. Chua earned his medical degree from University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. He completed his internship at Deaconess Hospital in Missouri. He completed his residency at Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center in New York and St. Clare's Hospital & Health Center in New Jersey. Dr. Chua has experience caring for patients with diabetes. He's an empathetic problem solver and a good listener. Dr. Chua believes patient comfort is key. He treats each patient like a friend or family member. Dr. Chua wants his patients to feel relaxed and ready to find solutions together. In his spare time, Dr. Chua enjoys traveling. Dr. Chua speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog.
Medical School
Univ of Santo Tomas 1972
Deaconess Hospital 1974
St Clares Hospital & Health Ctr 1976
University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital 1978
More information
I speak Tagalog, Spanish, Chinese and English.