K Mitchell K Naficy, MD
K Mitchell K Naficy, MD
Family medicine
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Languages Spoken
, Spanish
, Farsi
Board certifications
American Board of Family Medicine
K. Mitchell Naficy, MD, is board certified in family medicine. Dr. Naficy earned his medical degree from Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine in Puerto Rico. He completed his internship at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center and his residency at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center. Dr. Naficy believes that wellness, as well as diseases, are heavily influenced by people's emotions. For that reason, his visits with patients always involve a full overview of emotional and behavioral conditions. This behavioral medicine approach includes learning about a patient's ho me and family life. In his spare time, Dr. Naficy enjoys mountain biking, auto racing, and spending time with his wife and three children. In addition to English, Dr. Naficy speaks Farsi and Spanish.
Medical School
Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine 1990
University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine 1991
UCI Irvine Medical Center 1998
More information
I speak English, Spanish and Farsi.