Enrique Ramos, MD
Enrique Ramos, MD
Family medicine, General practice
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, Spanish
Enrique Ramos, MD, practices general medicine. Dr. Ramos earned his medical degree from the USC Keck School of Medicine. He completed his internship at LA County-USC Medical Center in Los Angeles. Patients see Dr. Ramos as a friend and confidant who believes in total health, both mental and physical. In his spare time, Dr. Ramos enjoys traveling in his motor home with his family. In addition to English, Dr. Ramos speaks Spanish.
Medical School
University of Southern California Medical School 1974
Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center 1975
Insurances and networks
Network membership
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
OCN - South Bay / Little Co of Mary
More information
I speak English and Spanish.