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Medicare Basics
Friday, Mar. 14
1 p.m.-2 p.m. MDT
Layton Community Center2146 N Main Street
Layton, UT 84041
Understand how Medicare works
Find out how the right Medicare plan could give you better care at lower costs. Explore your choices. Get answers to all of your Medicare questions. Find the type of plan that works best for your curent health needs. Topics include Medicare eligibility, Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, Medicare Advantage plans, and more. Taught by a licensed, independent insurance agent. Space is limited. Reserve your spot today.
This is an educational event. A licensed sales representative will be preset with information only; there will be no sales activity. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. For a listing of contracted health plans, please visit To learn more, visit You are not required to register or RSVP for an event in order to attend this event. If you do register in advance of the event, you will receive an email with additional event details and may experience a faster check-in process at the event. -