Francisco A Jimenez, MD
Francisco A Jimenez, MD
General practice
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, English
Francisco Jimenez, MD, practices general medicine. Dr. Jimenez earned his medical degree from the Universidad Aut�noma de Guadalajara School of Medicine in Mexico. He completed his residency at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit. Patients say that Dr. Jimenez is kind and gentle, and always explains medical information clearly and simply. In his spare time, Dr. Jimenez enjoys spending time with family and friends. In addition to English, he speaks Spanish.
Medical School
Autonomous University of Guadalajara 1977
St. John Hospital & Medical Center 1976
St John Hospital & Medical Center 1983
Additional locations
Insurances and networks
Network membership
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
OCN - Arcadia / East West / Foothill Pres / Huntington Memorial / Intercommunity / Methodist / Pasadena / Pomona
More information
I speak Spanish and English.