Artin Nazarian, MD
Artin Nazarian, MD
Internal medicine
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Languages Spoken
, English
Board certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine
Artin Nazarian, MD, is an internal medicine doctor. Dr. Nazarian believes in helping people live healthy, happier lives. He strives to educate and communicate with every patient. Dr. Nazarian fights for his patients in every possible way. He takes pride in his ambition, analytical skills, and his empathy for all of his patients. When he's not seeing patients, Dr. Nazarian enjoys exercise and playing basketball. He also enjoys coaching his son's basketball team, but most of all, Dr. Nazarian loves spending time with his two kids and family. In addition to English, Dr. Nazarian speaks Armenian.
Medical School
St. George's University School of Medicine 2003
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 2005
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 2007
More information
I speak Armenian and English.