Adrian A Amooie, MD
Adrian A Amooie, MD
Internal medicine
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health coverage plan, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, English
, Spanish
, French
, Swedish
Board certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine
Adrian Amooie, MD, is board certified in internal medicine. Dr. Amooie specializes in caring for patients in hospitals. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University in Sweden, and completed his internship and residency at St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center near Torrance. Dr. Amooie likes sharing information with his patients to help prevent or minimize complications from their conditions. He also believes his extensive travel has enriched his appreciation for peoples' diversity and prepared him to work well with many different patients. In add ition to English, Dr. Amooie is fluent in Spanish, Persian, and Swedish, and he also understands basic French.
Medical School
University of Lund Faculty of Medicine 2002
St. Mary Medical Center 2006
St. Mary Medical Center 2008
Insurances and networks
Network membership
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Optum - Downtown LA
More information
I speak Persian, English, Spanish, French and Swedish.