Kyung Soo Yoo, MD
Kyung Soo Yoo, MD
Family medicine
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, English
, Spanish
Board certifications
American Board of Family Medicine
Kyung Soo Yoo, MD, is board certified in family medicine. Dr. Yoo completed an internship at Harper University Hospital and a residency through Wayne State University, both in Detroit. Dr. Yoo completed a second residency at Lutheran Medical Center in New York. Patients like Dr. Yoo's quiet, calm demeanor which puts them at ease. They say that he is polite, professional, and caring. Both Dr. Yoo and his staff make patients feel cherished, more like family members than patients. In his spare time, Dr. Yoo plays golf. In addition to English, he speaks Korean and Spanish.
Medical School
Catholic Medical College 1980
Harper Hospital 1984
Lutheran Medical Center 1990
Insurances and networks
Network membership
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
OCN - Mission Hills / Northridge
More information
I speak Korean, English and Spanish.