Stanley S Tu, MD
Stanley S Tu, MD
Internal medicine
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
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Languages Spoken
, Chinese
, Spanish
, English
Board certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine
Stanley Tu, MD, really enjoys practicing internal medicine. He earned his medical degree from Chicago Medical School. Dr. Tu completed both his internship and residency at Huntington Memorial Hospital. He excels at building relationships with his patients. He is warm and friendly and spends extra time with patients. He also follows up on their medical care. In his spare time, Dr. Tu plays golf and tennis and spends time with his wife and two young sons. In addition to English, Dr. Tu is fluent in Mandarin and speaks medical Spanish.
Medical School
University of Health Sciences - The Chicago Medical School 2003
Huntington Memorial Hospital 2004
More information
I speak Mandarin, Chinese, Spanish and English.