Vandana Agarwal, MD
Vandana Agarwal, MD
Internal medicine
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, Spanish
, Hindi
Board certifications
American Board Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology
Vandana Agarwal, MD, is an internal medicine doctor. Following in the footsteps of her mother who was a physician, Dr. Agarwal strives to help people. She focuses on screening her patients and offering them preventive care solutions. She believes in treating her patients with compassion and making the experience enjoyable. In her spare time, Dr. Agarwal enjoys hiking, traveling and listening to music. She is also the proud mother of a Harvard ophthalmologist. In addition to English, Dr. Agarwal speaks fluent Hindi and basic Spanish.
Medical School
Ghandhi Medical College 1981
University of North Dakota 1983
Grant Hospital affiliated with Rush University 1985
USC/Kenneth Norris, Jr. Cancer Research 1988
Insurances and networks
Network membership
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
OCN - Pomona
More information
I speak English, Spanish and Hindi.