James Angelo Sharkoff, MD
James Angelo Sharkoff, MD
General practice, Internal medicine
Please contact clinic directly to confirm appointment availability
To check your health plan coverage, please contact your health insurance plan with the phone number on the back of your ID card.
Languages Spoken
, English
, Spanish
Board certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine
James Sharkoff, MD, practices family medicine. Dr. Sharkoff earned his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland. He completed his internship at Metro Health Medical Center in Cleveland. Dr. Sharkoff wants his patients to feel comfortable and relaxed when they visit his office. For that reason, he takes only walk-ins rather than requiring appointments. Patients say that Dr. Sharkoff has a good sense of humor. At the same time, he is a problem solver who can easily diagnose their medical conditions and help them. In his spare time, Dr. Sharkoff helps hi s three children with fun yet educational projects, such as building model robots. In addition to English, he speaks fluent Greek and Spanish.
Medical School
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 1995
Metro Health Medical Center 1996
Metro Health Medical Center 1998
More information
Hospital Affiliations
- South Coast Global Medical Center
I speak Greek, English and Spanish.