Chinh Van Mai, MD
Chinh Van Mai, MD
Internal medicine
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Languages Spoken
, Vietnamese
Board certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine
Chinh Van Mai, MD, practices internal medicine. Dr. Mai believes the best way to treat illness is to prevent it. He focuses on preventive care and screening to keep his patients healthy. He helps individuals with diabetes, congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dr. Mai focuses on working with patients to educate and encourage them to take charge of their health. Dr. Mai is married to Dr. Thao Vo. They work together in the same office. When they're not caring for their patients, they enjoy quality time with their children. Dr. Mai speaks fluent Vietnamese.
Medical School
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh City 2000
Meharry Medical College 2011
Meharry Medical College 2013
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Hospital Affiliations
- Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center
I speak English and Vietnamese.