A. New and Improved
a. Access Management
i. Admin Portal
1. No Changes in this release
ii. Vendor Portal
1. No Changes in this release
iii. Member Portal
1. No Changes in this release
iv. Authorization/Authentication
1. Framework update and Security related updates
b. Framework
i. Flex Server
1. Framework update and Security related updates
c. Patient Access APIs
i. Patient Claims
1. Implementation Guide: CARIN for Blue Button® http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/
2. No Change
d. Public Directory APIs
i. Provider Directory
1. Implementation Guide: PDEX Payer Network https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-pdex-plan-net/
2. No Change
B. Bug Fixes
Location resource when called responds as empty bundle. Removed the search parameter getpageoffset = 1 as it is not supported.
C. Known Issues
File Loader process failing. Investigating.