A. New and Improved
a. Access Management
i. Admin Portal
1. A new functionality we are planning to enable on the Admin Portal for OBH. We will be adding the Support Ticket tab, which is already available on the Vendor Portal UI for OBH. This will ensure that when a vendor raises a support ticket, it will be visible to the Admin for OBH.
ii. Vendor Portal
1. No changes in this release
iii. Member Portal
1. No changes in this release
iv. Authorization/Authentication
1. No changes in this release
b. Framework
i. FLEX Server
1. No changes in this release
c. Patient Access APIs
i. Patient Claims
1. No changes in this release
d. Public Directory APIs
i. Provider Directory
1. No changes in this release
B. Bug Fixes
i. No defects for this release
C. Known Issues
a. No changes in this release