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Demo video

Watch the Optum Mobile Query demo video

Respond to query opportunities in real time and get access to clinical/coding decision-making information with our secure mobile app.

Take the next step to unlock greater efficiency and consistency

The Optum® Enterprise CAC and CDI 3D solutions share a single integrated platform. The result is the ability to identify clinical documentation opportunities and improve coder labor efficiency, clinical consistency and communication across departments.

Schedule a live demo to learn how our award-winning technology platform captures the complete encounter to help you:

  • Accelerate your CDI workflow by capturing the complete patient encounter and proactively prevent denials and audits.
  • Experience seamless coding and CDI collaboration through complete and accurate coding, clinical documentation and pre-bill auditing on a single integrated platform.
  • Automate coding and CDI processes with Clinical Language Intelligence™ technology. 

Schedule a deeper dive into CDI and Mobile Query

Connect with our coding and CDI experts to experience our award-winning technology platform.

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