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Addressing the root causes of mental health disparities

Discover steps and strategies to reduce disparities among vulnerable populations and remove barriers for more equitable mental health care.


Uncover and conquer the root causes of mental health disparities

Millions of people in the U.S. face barriers to receiving mental and behavioral health care. To make real change, it's essential to identify and reduce the root causes of inequity in mental health care. 

This article examines obstacles that must be addressed to offer authentic, culturally competent care for vulnerable populations. Explore how to:

  • Understand your populations and the gaps they face
  • Tie mental health equity to organizational success
  • Take action on root causes of mental health disparities
  • Advance health equity

While everyone is at risk for mental health issues, some populations are at higher risk for mental health disparities. Learn how to reduce inequities to better position your organization while improving experiences and outcomes for individuals.

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