A. New and Improved
a. Access Management
i. Admin Portal
1. No Changes in this release
ii. Vendor Portal
1. No Changes in this release
iii. Member Portal
1. No Changes in this release
iv. Authorization/Authentication
1. Added Actuator Health Endpoint to show Health Statistics of the Running Application
2. Removed need for new build in case of configuration changes in AppInsights, thereby saving the build time.
3. Framework update and Security related updates.
b. Framework
Flex Server
1. Framework update and Security related updates
c. Patient Access APIs
Patient Claims
1. Implementation Guide: CARIN for Blue Button® http://hl7.org/fhir/us/carin-bb/
2. No Change
d. Public Directory APIs
Provider Directory
1. Implementation Guide: PDEX Payer Network https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-pdex-plan-net/
2. getPageOffSet and include parameter has been removed from provider directory resources “Location”, “Practitioner” & “Practitioner Role” as the backend source system is not supporting the same. If user was trying to get a specific record, backend source system was not supporting the same, hence it has been removed.
Impact: User will now not see any error while trying to perform offset action.
B. Bug Fixes
Security updates and vulnerability fixes to App owner Portal experience
C. Known Issues
Vendors: Will not receive an email after the organization attestation is past due. Vendor will receive all other emails as is. The issue is expected to be fixed in the upcoming release.