Discover the Optum difference
We offer you personalized care to help you meet your health goals. To get started, choose a Medicare option that connects you to one of our doctors.
Featured stories
When you reach 65 years of age, it's more important than ever to stay on top of your health. With Medicare Advantage, you can expect personalized care to meet your health goals.
To help you on your health care journey, we've rounded up some important resources.
Health care focused on you
Learn how Laurie found relief from lifelong health struggles.
Health care that’s better value
Learn how Margaret turned her life around by finding community and better health.
How teamwork helped change a life
Learn how Mickey created a new life for himself with the help of his care team.
Articles (9)
Care guides
The care guide is your very own roadmap to wellness. From cover to cover, you’ll find health resources and tips to help you feel your best.
See how our care and Medicare Advantage changed Mickey’s life
Learn how Mickey worked together with his Optum care team to help him live a fuller, healthier life in the face of illness and loss.
See how our care and Medicare Advantage changed Laurie’s life
Learn how Laurie found personalized care that led to relief from lifelong health struggles with the help of Dr. Neil Gokal, her Optum doctor.
Del dolor al surf de remo: el poder de la atención personalizada
Entérese de cómo Laurie encontró alivio a sus problemas de salud de toda la vida con la ayuda del Dr. Neil Gokal, su médico de Optum.
Cómo el trabajo en equipo ayudó a Mickey a revolucionar su vida nuevamente
Conozca cómo el equipo de atención y el centro comunitario de Mickey le ayudaron a superar el COVID-19 y la diabetes tipo 2, y encontrar una vida más saludable y feliz.
How teamwork helped Mickey rev up his life again
Learn how Mickey’s care team and community center helped him though COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes to find a healthier, happier life.
What our patients and members say
Watch our Medicare Advantage patient testimonial video to learn how an Optum doctor + Medicare Advantage can offer the best care.
Guía Por qué Medicare Advantage
Obtenga más con Medicare Advantage
Your appointment checklist
Be prepared for your visit. Download your easy-to-use appointment checklist.